Snooze the Snooze

Most of us use the snooze function on our alarm clocks at some point in our lives. Just a few more minutes under the covers, just some time to gather our thoughts, right?
While snoozing might seem harmless, it may not be. It is important to understand why we are using the snooze button, in the first place. For some, it’s a habit that started early on.
We might not think this is a big issue, but, as we get used to it and because it is the first thing we do in the morning, its psychological impact is not completely ruled out going through the day.
When your dreams are too strong and your resolve is equally firm, you will start getting up as you wake up.
Coming back to snooz,iIs it limited just to sleep? No, we use this for many small and big tasks. Do you ever realize what ‘wish’ is under continuous snooze button?
It’s none other than going for that one dream vacation, small or big, domestic or international, family or backpacking. You might have gone through that ‘Goa tour planning’ yourself or being discussed by your peers which never materialized, even for a DECADE. Yes, you heard it right. Going for a vacation is one of the most common things that even being dragged for a decade or even more time. You know what contributes to this delay? Snooze syndrome again. You get busy with your new roles, new tasks, that promotion, your wedding, kids coming along and in the middle of all this, you keep pressing that snooze button on your dream vacation.
If you are realizing you are a perfect fit into this decade long snoozing on your vacation, you should also realize we have entered the last month of this first decade in this century. What is more worrying is the fact that this year the last teen-year in this century. Going back in your memory lane to remember your teenage years? Great, it is never too late to re-live your teenage, kyon ki ‘Dil toh baccha hai ji’.
If you are thinking of getting the bucket list checked before this year end or at the start of new decade, think no further. We at are here to help you. Simply email us your requirement at or whatsapp us on 83310 83320. We will help you interrupt your pattern of snoozing.

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